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Hey Stereo Peeps, Moon here. It is no secret that with the craze of social media these days, it has many users captivated by the idea of popularity and fame. So obviously this nurse in the TikTok video is dancing and I really hope what is happening in the background is a part of the TikTok video itself and a prank. However, it got me thinking. If you were a patient that ended up dying because your nurse or other medical caregiver obsessively posted on TikTok for fame instead of doing their job, how would you want them as a ghost? Or would you choose to go to the light and let bygones be bygones? Let's talk about it below.
Well, I hope this is one stage, you know what I'm saying? But two, if someone did this to me and I for real died, it would have to be a quick haunting. I'm not trying to stay tied and tethered to this realm for so long, you know? But then this bitch did kill me, you know? So, hmm. I would probably give her food poisoning and have her have the worst shits ever. Yeah.
Alright, Ali, I see you, I see you. I agree, you know, for this kind of thing, I wouldn't want to haunt for a long time. It would also be a quick haunt, and I really appreciate that you said, um, like you thought, mm, it'd have to be a quick haunt, because I'm not trying to stay here. I absolutely agree with you, and hell yeah, get rid of the worst food poisoning on the planet.
I would choose to go through the light and let bygones be bygones. Cause now I'm where I don't have to feel any of this pain, any of this hurt. Any, any of it, honey.
All right, TNT. I absolutely agree. Going through the light to just let bygones be bygones. You know, I really appreciate that line of thinking. You know, if I took that stance, I would just choose to let karma have, you know, whatever she is going to dish out to those women. So yeah, thank you for your response.
Oh, yeah, I'm definitely hunting and I'm gonna join her in her tiktok videos. He or she yeah, I'm all in your tiktok left Right left right. Hey, hey, yeah, I'm hunting
Ooh, I love that idea of haunting the shit out of her in a TikTok video. You'd be like that ghost that never leaves, like an attachment everywhere she goes. That is great. You know, I like your line of thinking as well. Shout out to you, Ms. Cheesecake. You'd be a better dancer too.
isn't there like a privacy code that this woman right there is breaking I hope it is like staged but it's just ridiculous go do this on your break outside somewhere
I absolutely agree with you Mspec. I'm pretty sure there is a privacy code, absolutely. And if this is not staged, this is clearly very inappropriate. You know, I'm actually about to go into the nursing field and I'll be at the bottom of the totem pole for a while. But if I ever saw this on shift, oh my god, I'd give a hard eyed eye roll.
I'd give a hard eye roll, to be quite frank, and if she said something to me about it, I'd be like, like, go do that outside, you know, like you're in front of patients and, you know, you're like, come on, you know, you're making us do all this extra work so you can dance for a TikTok. If you really want a TikTok career, be famous, go get another job. I don't know, maybe I wouldn't say all that.
Like you, I also hope that this is satire, because it would be terrible if it wasn't satire, but I do believe that this person is making a point, whoever originally posted the video, because these days people do this in stores, you know, at work, in the middle of the street, so.
Hi so boom how I'm doing it is that every time she going to take it out from now on I'm pulling our damn pants while she dancing on TikTok every time I might even pull her hair up make a jerk back a little bit definitely put him in her bed I bet you she stayed a hell of abs after that
Oh, and you know what, as a ghost, you could probably do a little bit of everything at once. You could probably pull her hair and pull her pants down at once. Yes. You know what? I respect the hell out of that, you know. She'll think twice before getting on TikTok again, making another patient die because she's too distracted dancing.