Did anyone else have like a really weird experience going to any school except like a public school? Maybe that's like a private school, charter school, home school even? I don't know. I did end up going actually to a private school but not until like my late elementary school year. So I think it was like a fourth grade and fifth grade when I went to a private school and I hated it. By then it was already super clicky at least with the the private school that I was with. There weren't that many students per grade. There was like maybe 20 students per grade and it was horrible. I don't think I will ever put my kids in private school unless they start out in a private school then maybe. And then for high school I ended up going to a charter school my last two years and for my 11th and 12th grade years and it wasn't like a horrible experience I would say but it was just weird. The kids were weird and they had like a very weird mindset like things were getting to the point where things were like being let go. I don't know how to explain that other than just like the school allowed really weird things to happen. So yeah let me know what your guys' experiences are and whether you would allow your children to go to like private school, charter school, things like that. My advice is that you did put your kids in a private school if it's at all possible financially. Start them as early as you can. private schools tend to get super clicky and if I had started there a lot earlier I think I wouldn't have as much of an issue. But yeah.