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Amanda 379d
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Amanda 379d
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When do their, you know, their rights as defending their self stops and it turns into just homicide? You know, their jobs, some police officers power trip, I know it's becoming like the 80s where a lot of crime is just becoming unnoticed and very lenient. So obviously we're going to do the same thing like we did before and try to, you know, stop, you know, try.
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Try to reform the police department and try to strengthen them and make them better at their jobs, but I think a lot of them are misinterpreting the words do better and they're just, you know, doing a lot worse towards brutality and just probably power tripping, like, hey, what are you doing, and just probably confirming their biases in the sense of, oh, I know this is a criminal. And then it goes into racially profiling people.
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