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Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
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Arianna S 475d
Arianna S
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Arianna S
Jose Farrach
So I was asked to show evidence of more evil women so I had my last two soundbites you can check them out they're two examples of two women doing horrible evil crimes and there's more there's more I just didn't want to list every single one of them I want to people to do their own research it's not that hard to Google these things and sees the horrible history of what women have done in and in our society and in our times not in this maybe maybe not as much now maybe but there's always been the side of women being evil so again I don't know why people act surprised or think this is misogyny or this is sexist or that I hate women know because you don't say those things to men when they when women post things about men in the horrible crimes as they should As they should because those men are evil but we get mad at me we flame me wishing me because I'm just trying to put light to white women do everyone have a great day
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Yes, but Jose, most women throughout history are nothing like this and your argument is about most women. And most women are not murderers and they're not human trafficking. Most women are lovely.
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Also, sorry, I'm busy tomorrow for your chat, but I would have loved to have joined if I was free
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You know what I love about this the most is that you defend women so much when they had never ever come to defend you at all. Like that's the most wildest thing that comes to my mind is like you defend them and they don't even give a shit about you.
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Yeah, no worries. That's fine. Whenever you get the chance, just message me and say, hey, this day, give me a heads up so I can know. Because again, I'm more free probably than you are. So you give me the heads up.
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If you're talking about just on this app, yeah, no one's coming to defend me, but I don't really care. I don't need people's defense. I don't want people holding my hand and helping me walk through things online. But in my personal life, I've got tons of positive female role models.
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And that's the main reason that I'm passionate about this and want to debate you on this because there's just so many nice people out there, men and women.
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And yes Jose, I add you to that list of nice people I interact with.
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Okay, so you presented this evidence that some women, which is true, some women are bad, some women are evil, as opposed, if you want to use that term, but what exactly is your argument?
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What is the intention behind this? Because I'm genuinely curious, because I have no idea. I haven't looked back at your other sound clips, but give me an idea.
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Yeah, no worries. So in order for me to explain it, I'll just message you an audio clip on the message thing, because that way I have more time to kind of explain myself.
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