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Consciousness 167d
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Uh, and this is just for all the people out there who try to talk, like they don't know what I do, or try to talk on my credentials, like I don't know what I'm doing, uh, out here really winning cannabis awards, while y'all guys talk about it, I'm out here living this shit, you hear me?
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nice dude I mean yeah that's that's cool I'll respect that don't go like you're something special though I mean are winning awards I mean that's cool but no one likes a boaster why are these awards for like how'd you win a cannabis award like I'm from the UK this shit just wouldn't happen here so how'd you win one of these awards
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Yeah, so we were entered in a bunch of categories at the Nevada Cannabis Music Awards on 710. And we went out there and came back with 11 trophies. So anywhere from best bud to best CBD, best CBD products for pets, all sorts of different shit. But yeah, super excited.
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sounds awesome sounds like you got it made like that sounds like my dream job I can tell you that now so I'd be super excited about that too
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