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Sunshine 176d
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Ayden 174d
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SlayBae 174d
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Fey 172d
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So in life, we all want to be wanted, right? Whether it's in our love lives, our careers, our relationships with friends, you get the idea. So how do you handle the feeling of not fitting in? Because I'll tell you right now, if the vibes are not there, it's because I know I'm meant to be elsewhere. And that's OK. Like, you know, you can't please everybody and, you know, you're not going to like everybody. And so I would never try to force something that's not there. And if you have to be in an environment with certain individuals and you feel like, again, you're not fitting in, I would try to take a different approach or do something to, you know, better build a bond so that that feeling is not as strong as it could be, if that makes sense. I don't know. You guys tell me, how do you handle it?
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When it comes to my friends and I start to have some like doubts because it does happen Um, either I try and like talk myself out of the thoughts or I just have a conversation directly with them for some reassurance Um, I would say more recently I... I don't know. I try not to stay where I'm not wanted, you know, but it's been more so as of late than anything. Interesting question
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In life we all get a job, work till we're 62 and then we die.
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I mean, you answered your own question, Ferreira, because we're not for everybody, right? So it's like, we're not meant to connect with everybody and everybody. At some point in high school and before that, like, we had a bunch of friends. It was a cool thing to have all these friends, but you know what I'm saying? As you grow, you're going to realize who you want in your playground and who you want to play with and, you know, build with, so, yeah. Just keep going. Do you. It's all good. It's better than not stressing on somebody else.
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Back when I was young and stupid, I would try so hard to fit in with, I remember with a certain group of people in college. It's just, it's not like they even cared. But now that I've grown up, I just, I look back and think, what was wrong with me, right? I don't do that anymore. I don't seek anyone's validation. I don't try so hard to fit in. I just, yeah, it's a crazy thing to look back on. But yeah, if you don't fit in, you don't fit in. Yeah, I was crazy back then.
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