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HuschkaPower 197d
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Pop Culture News
Jk 193d
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SashMcFlash 194d
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So Andy Stone and Troy Powers are coming after Mariah Carey and suing her for her song All I Want for Christmas is You. They claim that they had that same song come out, like that same title come out in 1989 and they're suing her for you can imagine a bucket load of money and I mean I would be pissed too damn if I were them and I brought out that title beforehand and I don't really know the legalities of like what you can get for suing but I'm sure the fact that they're coming for her they believe that they can get that bread so I mean get your bread boys.
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The fact is that they're suing her now, because of this song, okay? Her song, of hers, that she made, has been out how many years now? Several, several years, and they're now suing her, trying to claim that they did it. Why didn't they sue her? Okay, I don't get it, okay. If it was a big deal with them, they could have sued her when she first opened it, or...
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literally. well they're not trying to claim that they did this song but they're- i don't know exactly what they're claiming but they made a song with the same exact title um in 1989 i think it was in the 1980s and so i don't really know what exactly they're claiming and what the logistic stuff with that is but yeah it is it's been a while for them to really just claim this like this song has been a hit for years now so definitely get your point
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How convenient that they're doing it just now, right after she defrosts.
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Oh man, I wish Elliot Smith was still alive today to, uh, sue Goethe for that song, somebody that I used to know. Maybe that's why he stole the title. Anyway, the first song's way better.
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