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Poppa Perc 242d
Poppa Perc
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Robyn Rackley 242d
Robyn Rackley
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hey y'all so what is everybody's uh plans for this weekend i have no idea at the moment what i'm gonna do but right now i am just chilling um listening to a book and just relaxing
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Yeah, I don't know what I'm gonna do neither. I might, not so hard, I might go to the beach, you know? That's one thing I got planned. Just be a beach bum, you feel me?
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Oh? What kind of book are you listening to? I have a lot of books on audiobook that I have. I have a lot like to listen to. So what kind of book are you listening to? And as for me, I'm not doing anything this weekend. I haven't figured out what to do this weekend. But I am just kind of curious. What kind of book are you listening to? Let me know. Okay. Talk to you later. Bye-bye.
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