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Gelöschtes Mitglied
Jose Farrach
Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Jose Farrach
Robyne Hughes 485d
Robyne Hughes
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Robyne Hughes
Robyne Hughes
Jesse Gage 483d
Jesse Gage
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Cleverslutूाीू𓀐𓂺aqua tofana
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Jose Farrach
Is hooking up on the first date a good idea?
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Absolutely a bad idea. You shouldn't be hooking up. If anything, you should take your time. Honestly, people nowadays, they just kind of rush or they just go with the flow as they say, but you should have control. You should have your limits, your boundaries.
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Plus, hooking up nowadays, you know, ain't no telling what you'll catch. People just like to run through people like trains going into the tunnel. I'm just saying, like, like get a test phrase, you know, talk to each other. Don't just do it. Like make sure you're safe.
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Yeah, I've realized that even though I'm gonna be honest, I'm not a person that has a lot of sex like that, but it's just, it is interesting that there's people that just really don't care about diseases. It's insane.
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Absolutely not. The same way how they are STDs, they are STS. Sexually Transmitted Spirits and whatever you got going on, I do not want that. Want me respectfully.
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Interesting, I never heard that one before. Maybe sometime you can kind of break that down for me a little bit more. It sounded very fascinating.
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I definitely agree that waiting a couple of months or I guess until each party feels it's the right time. Some people want to wait till they get married. I'm for waiting regardless of the amount of time.
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It's best to get to know each other. I know people say friends first. I get that. Sometimes you just, people rush. And I've been a part of rushing. Not intentionally, but it just happens because you just want it so bad. Not the sex.
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Not the sex part, but the relationship part, and you just want the end result so quickly when you know it takes time to get there.
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Oh shit I gave up on the fucking like long-term thing for now so I mean if I'm going into a date I'm like look I'm not looking for anything serious right now I already did that shit so right now I mean I don't give a fuck you I'll do it
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It's a good idea if you think it's a good idea, if you are being safe, if you're being responsible. It's a good idea in your personal situation, that's nobody else's decision to decide. That's a weird question.
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I'm very curious to how this is a weird question. I don't understand that like I'm trying to understand what is weird about it
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