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Azima 242d
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Big Tam Tam
Big Tam Tam
Cunty McShitballs
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I actually met her, she's really nice and I like the way she sang her concern. She kept everyone entertained while showing concern for that individual that was hot.
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Yo, I don't think I fall in love with an artist the way I fall in love with her. She gives me the best vibes. I actually really need to go see her in concert. Like, I have not wanted to go to anybody's concert in such a long time. And I'm putting her on my bucket list as one of the concerts that I have to go to. You know what I'm saying? Like, she just seems so down to earth. And I really don't stay in celebrities' lives the way her timbalands live because I like to see how she like,
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Oh, we need more than 30 seconds sometimes. Okay. Yeah, so I don't say it's obvious lives. I think this is weird I don't know not my thing But Timbaland's lives because the way he shut he shuts down the people who like have terrible music, right and her lies But she's funny. She's engaging. She's sarcastic. She is satire She's I love her and the fact that you got to meet her girl. She's oh my blakely I am guys. I dreamed digging her one day. She just seems like one of the coolest little celebrities And I don't fangirl too hard too often But I'm fangirling I'm shout out to you though. Shout out to being on my post
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I ain't doing nothing. Did, uh, did she just sing her 9-1-1 call? Talk about somebody need some help out here. You know what she should have done instead of singing? She should have jumped off that stage and just elbow dropped that motherfucker around her chest and brought her back. That's what I would have done.
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