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Luis Is Here โ€ข 430d
Luis Is Here
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Now more than ever it's so easy to be distracted so tell me how do you stay focused with school and or work because you know depending on your lifestyle it is really easy to just open a device and mindlessly scroll through social media or play games on your phone or ipad or computer or get distracted with someone texting you about something and for me personally a huge thing that has really truly helped was established screen time and during screen time you can actually block out certain apps so that if you feel like you would be you know tempted to get on it you can't unless you put in a passcode and even with the passcode in there's like a certain time limit at least that is how it is for iphones but yeah um i'm just curious what you do because i would love to hear all the tips
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You have an iPhone, but I don't have it, sorry. I think meditation is very helpful to get more concentrate on every work that you want to do.
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