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Uncle Leo Comedy
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And Another Thing With Dave
And Another Thing With Dave
And another thing with Dave. Thanks boss for posting this. I just went to Instagram, opened my app and reposted it too. I used to work on McDonald's. I raised myself on McDonald's. I've had Big Macs for years. Talking about a true boner killer. Literally.
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Well, thank you, thank you, Uncle Leo. I know if you say that I'm being a boner killer, that I'm doing my job. Yeah, my first job was at McDonald's as well. And although I got food poisoning from McDonald's twice, yeah, I ate that garbage for years, but it is absolute garbage. And a new study I saw says that, to be continued here.
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A new study I saw says the American diet is what leads to skin cancer, that animals exposed to the sun did not get skin cancer, animals that were fed an American diet and then exposed to the sun got skin cancer. Mind blow!
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