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And Another Thing With Dave
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Legendz โ€ข 233d
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HuschkaPower โ€ข 236d
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And Another Thing With Dave
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Xavier โ€ข 233d
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Whether it's fried chicken, burgers, pizza, anything fast food related, how often do you eat them? Per week, per month, per year, however you want to answer this. There's no judgment here, it's a safe zone. For me personally, and like the current lifestyle I have, I will say about once to twice a week. And that's pretty much my personal maximum, but I will say if I'm on a serious health kick, it's more like once to twice a month. But yeah, that's my honest answer. Feel free to let me know what yours is.
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The main reason that the United States holds a corner on the market as far as obesity goes is our absolute crap diet, and fast food is at the top of that crap diet pyramid. I urge everybody to back away from this stuff slowly. It's one thing if you eat it a few times a year, but if you're eating it on a regular basis, you're doing your body harm. Especially if you're eating it on a weekly basis, you're going to get diabetes.
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No, I full-on agree with you. I'm not going to argue against that at all. It's really horrible like what goes into our diets every day and you know I actually know people who go get fast food every single meal. I am not one of those people and I'm not going to judge them but uh yeah there's a lot of health factors involved. I totally get that. I totally do.
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I'm definitely more of the once a month myself. I usually cook most of my food, but when I consider fast food It's most restaurant food, especially chain restaurants. It's pretty much equivalent to a fast food restaurant in my opinion But yeah, usually once or twice a month if anything more than that now it becomes iffy. Great post, much love
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Okay, so for me it's occasionally. I don't indulge in fast food that often. It's just, you know, just occasionally. And if I have better options, I might ditch that as well. So, yeah. You've got the answer. I'm like always on a better diet than just fast food and cold drinks.
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i'm glad you brought up the word occasionally because i always say there's nothing wrong with having anything in moderation but going back to what you said you know it's obvious to me that you know from your accent that you're not from america and i don't know if you live in america now but it is actually insane how much access americans have to fast food which i know is very controversial to begin with but you know a lot of my friends get it like most of the week
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Yeah, this food is poison, and if you look at the ingredients, there are a number of ingredients in our quote-unquote fast food, it's really garbage, that are banned in Europe, right? So, if you look at the ingredients, say, pick like, you know, fried chicken sandwich. You can look at Chick-fil-A, Popeyes, look at all of them, and you'll see the same ingredients. And if you Google those ingredients, they're toxic.
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You're absolutely right with food being poison because this is something I've been preaching for the last decade to my friends Um, which is why when I do get fast food I prefer to go to in-n-out or chipotle or anywhere where there's like more wholesome ingredients and I know what's in it versus what you just said like chick-fil-a and popeyes and You know how you know the fast food that's banned in europe same thing for australia I used to live in australia and the food quality is much more different. So I totally see where you're coming from
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