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HuschkaPower โ€ข 233d
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Era โ€ข 232d
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Luis Is Here โ€ข 232d
Luis Is Here
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North โ€ข 214d
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So no matter what the item is, whether it is your phone, a favorite cup of yours, or something sentimental in your family, what would you do if someone broke something of yours? Like, would you have the person pay for it, or would you replace it yourself? Because I feel like for me personally, like, I understand that, you know, it was not intentional, or I would hope it's not intentional, and mistakes happen, but, you know, if they broke it, they gotta fix it. Because, you know, it's like those stores where they post something, it's like you break it, you buy it. It's kind of like that, in my honest opinion, because if it was something I did to that item, okay, I take full responsibility. I, again, would just hope that the other person would offer to pay for it so it's not awkward. But yeah, that's my take. I'm just curious to hear your two cents.
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I would say it depends on, I mean, obviously, if it's your child, you're not going to have that person pay for it. You're just going to talk to them, explain to your child why, you know, why you feel bad, why you shouldn't, and of course, you're going to, you know, pay for it, whatever, but you're obviously going to take it under their allowance, you know. But, like I said, it all depends on the circumstances and who the people are.
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It really depends, I'm not really the person, I'm more of a person who's like, oh it's okay, it's okay, you know, like it's no big deal, I'll fix it, I'll get a new one, stuff like that, but if you break certain things, like if you break my car, or my date, or my phone, you're paying for that shit, like, I'm going to expect monthly payments. You will get me a new one, I swear to God.
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Especially if it's like my vape or my cart, like, that shit ain't really like that expensive, like, so like if you break mine, you are 100% buying me a new one, or I'm just gonna take yours.
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okay that's true about instruments but if someone break your heart what would you do? I'm talking about a romantic relationship
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