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Junkie Dave 228d
Junkie Dave
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Twangyi Of Twisted Tuesdays
Hey, yo, shout out to y'all Yamshank. You know what I like about this show? I always hear music that I've never heard of before. You know what I mean? It always opens me up to like new genres You know what I mean? And because I'm a music junkie, I find that fascinating. I'm like dang like I was stuck in just my own bubble for a while You know what I mean? So shout out to you for that. I appreciate you. I'll be there. Yamshank!
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Hey man, that means a lot to me. It's just pretty much Is what the premise or what I'm trying to do with the Twisted Tuesday, so yeah, it means a lot man This is the whole point is to discover new music It's always fun You know playing this music because then I go back to Apple music and I get a bunch of new suggestions So it never really ends. I'm here for it, man. It's exciting
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