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so my take on it as a white person should white people say the n-word? absolutely not that's just my opinion like my opinion is kind of like i don't know i feel like people say stuff nowadays just to like throw things out there just to see people's reactions now is it offensive? of course because if you said that to any african-american they would feel disrespected so you should always respect anybody no matter what race they are and always treat people as individuals
If you are anything but black you should not be able to use the n-word point-blank period There's a reason why in cultural history white people was able to get away with the n-word for a very long time When he came to slavery The same reason why you will see white people using the n-word is the same reason why you will see black people using the cracker Word in defense You're not going to see a black person say cracker To white person nowadays more than you will see a white person using the n-word or trying to use the n-word as a derogatory Comment towards black people