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Squid โ€ข 229d
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JayT โ€ข 227d
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M l โ€ข 226d
M l
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Okay, so I was invited to a party last Saturday by a guy that I met like three or four weeks ago and I was supposed to go to the party with my friend but she kind of ghosted me so I went by myself and it was a cool little party, it was about like 15-20 people there I didn't know anybody besides the guy that invited me and I did see one of my closest friends, her boyfriend was there and since I already knew him, I kind of just like hung around like him and whoever he was talking to and long story short, we were drinking a lot and we were flirting and I thought, okay I'm flirting with him but it's innocent or whatever but eventually he started making a move on me and started touching me and we started kissing but that's it, we didn't have sex but it's Wednesday and I haven't told my best friend about it and I feel like shit and I'm trying to figure out whether or not I should tell her because I really don't want to lose her as a friend but I'm really scared, I'm really sad about it, what should I do?
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Damn, you fucked up.
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See, nobody has good advice for you, but like, honestly, I know you feel like you should say something, but if she's like a really close friend to you, just like, try to keep it to yourself. Because if you don't want to lose that friend, you're most likely going to lose a friend if you tell her the exact same situation. So if you don't want to lose your friend, you gotta just not say nothing.
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I totally 100% disagree with the previous advice you should tell your friend because god forbid she finds out from someone else, you lost her anyways, you know? I mean, you're kinda screwed no matter what, hate to say it unless your friend just doesn't care but yeah, I'd say something.
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