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Okay, ever had those weird nightmares where it's like all about like where you're encountering crimes and encountering haunted houses? I had that weird shit and it goes by like a freaking movie. And so I wake up from them and sit in my bed for five minutes having to think about what the fuck and it's like where I think about did that actually happen or is it gonna happen to me? Like did I either witness a freaking murder that nobody knows about yet or is the murder gonna happen to me soon? And I just probably witnessed it in my dreams. But I have dreams like this I'm like um probably like either like a couple months apart or like a couple years apart. But I want to know if you guys like have these types of dreams or like yeah just that and you can explain what happens in your dream like how it goes by and what it's about or anything like that and if you want to. And if you know then you can explain why you got that dream like if you do know why. I think I know why I get them but I can explain that later. And by the way you guys can judge if you want to. You know say be like weird comment you can about this but to be thinking I'm like really crazy about it. But it's like I just wanted to get that out there but you guys can comment. Weirdly. I don't care. You guys can judge. I've heard worse in real life so just yeah whatever.
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