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Livewire 225d
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Big Tam Tam 233d
Big Tam Tam
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M Spectacular 233d
M Spectacular
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M Spectacular
Project Pook 232d
Project Pook
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You know, the fact that you didn't pick arroz con gadole over quesito has me a little, uh, just a little perturbed. Yo, how does quesito beat arroz con gadole? I want to know, Lily.
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I don't think you eat nothing but pasteles. Because you did this the last time too. And pasteles was definitely winning. Okay, now I don't even know, can you explain to me what pasteles is? What is it made of? How do I find it? Because I've never seen this one. What is this? Is it sweet? Hello? And say the one with the potatoes and meat. That is absolutely one of my favorites. How to get the meat and the potatoes and they fry it. It's crispy on the outside. It's all moist. And then you've got the ground beef.
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Okay Tammy, actually it's like a filled, it's a filled dough so you take a bunch of root vegetables and you grate them to make a masa and then you fill it with stewed pork. You wrap it in a banana leaf and then you put it in a boiling water for about 30 minutes if it's fresh, 45 minutes if it's frozen and it's usually what we eat for Christmas.
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And then when it comes to papa relleno, or relleno de papas, you boil potatoes, you mash them, you add some egg, sometimes some cornstarch or some flour to like make a dough, then you fill it with seasoned ground beef, and then you coat the outside with cornstarch before you fry them, yeah that's usually how you make them.
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Yeah, Taiming, it looks like you know your food. Let's go. That's what I'm talking about. Rieno de Papa, yeah, they turn, they boil the potatoes, turn them into like a mashed potato, and then they form a ball, create a cavity, you know, put the meat, you know, that they make, you know, seasoned meat, and they create the Rieno. Do you want to know about it? Shout out to you and reach out.
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you chose quesito over arroz con gandules that's crazy that's crazy but pasteles is it do you make pasteles pasteles be so yummy
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Okay, I'm spiked. The truth is, I've never been a fan of arroz con gandules. I'd rather have arroz con habichuelas, even arroz con garbanzos, but like, arroz con gandules is way down on my list. And that's including the fact that we used to grow gandules outside my door, my house, you know, like we used to pick them and everything. But yeah, I can't, I can't do it.
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Candules does have an interesting flavor but garbanzos? Really? You would choose garbanzos over candules? Hmm okay. It's such a holiday favorite right or a party favorite but yeah I get it has an interesting flavor. Garbanzos? I don't I don't really like it but mash it up and make me some hummus I'm okay.
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How to say you like pasteles without saying you like pasteles? I don't know what a pasteles is, Lily. And why haven't you made them put it in the show? That's what I want to know. I ain't never heard pasteles come out your mouth, Lily!
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