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Bb 476d
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Jose Farrach 476d
Jose Farrach
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Bb 476d
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Corey 418d
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Is your education system in your country of birth broken, out of date, needs remodifying, not getting people jobs they need, or whatever other measure you feel it could be failing it?
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Administration in schools here in the US usually don't do anything about threatening or harmful situations until it's too late and that's why I love teaching because it's just dangerous here.
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Hey BP, could you elaborate a bit please on what you mean by dangerous situations? I'm thinking you're meaning the mass shootings but that seems a bit extreme but I don't really know so if you could just elaborate that would be much appreciated.
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Yeah, so for example, like school fights, I knew a little autistic boy that got beat up in the bathroom and he did absolutely nothing to this kid, but he still got suspended. Why would, like, why did he get suspended for that? There was nothing that he did.
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A lot of bullying cases, especially against disabled students in my school district and my partner's school district because he also teaches, they get ignored by administration until it's too late and the student gets attacked in the bathrooms.
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It's like that in the UK, you know, I've been, I mean I'm 30 now but when I was a kid I got expelled for being attacked by two kids. I think the school is so broken and teachers don't know what to do. It's disgusting.
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Also, what do you think about what's being taught? Because I feel like we don't teach kids the things that they need to do, to learn to go out and live their life. So, do you feel like you're teaching the kids the right thing?
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These students are also racist towards my partner as well because he is Asian. And when he tries to call home about it, tell administration, they say that it's because they have rough home lives and it's okay and they brush it off.
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do not teach sex education and they also don't teach financial literacy. Um, I had no idea what a check was until I was 19 years old. Um, I didn't know how to take out loans. I didn't know anything about that.
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Absolutely. I live in the United States and I believe the education system here is dismal, to say the least. I think we're just falling so away from things in general, even schools.
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Would you care to say what you think you could be could be done to improve schools in America?
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I think that we should be able to have healthy modern conversations about controversial historical texts. A lot of texts here are getting banned and I don't think that books should be banned. I think that we should be able to talk about them and understand why they were bad.
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have been getting banned in America. I'd like to know more about this.
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Well, three examples are To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, and The Hate You Give. Those three were banned in my state. And it's really sad because those books are really great and we can still be able to teach them in a way that kids understand.
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And also, The Hobbit is banned in my school system, so my teacher friend, he had to purchase 20 copies of The Hobbit himself because the schools would not supply him the money to buy a classroom set. And also these books are not able to be put in school libraries.
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That is disgraceful that they're burning... burning? Might as well. They're banning books. I can't believe you have to go through this disgrace. Sorry to hear that.
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I'll tell you what, I'm near 11 now and I'm just badly off school. I feel like I haven't learnt shit and I'm going to be going into this world. probably not gonna be earning shit probably living on streets but I got these.
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