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Good evening and another thing. I hope you're doing well. Wow, that thing looks like it can tip over a boat full of people. Shoot. Also, this is why I do not go swimming in murky waters. If I cannot see myself in the water, I'm not swimming in it. You know what I mean? Cheers to you. Hope you're doing well.
I didn't get it on this clip, but at the beginning of the video, the guy had it by the tail. I don't know how the hell he got it by the tail, but damn!
see this is the one thing right here that i would never do i'm a very adventurous person but as soon as you get to say on water and snakes yeah you lost me you you lost me
Imagine how many people you could feed with an anaconda that big. Damn, now that's one hell of a barbecue. My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, huh?
yeah exactly right that's a real live monster right there and the dude in the first clip I didn't catch it but the dude had had it by the tail like oh my god