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Gelรถschtes Mitglied
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Minx Couture
Gelรถschtes Mitglied
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Minx Couture
Intelligently Angry โ€ข 293d
Intelligently Angry
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No, I'm sorry, girl. Bye. And if I see you pop up on my newsfeed one more time with your little patreon grifton ass, I'm so sick and tired. Okay, we're done. Like, you expect us to forget about what you said and what you did in your career, especially to Britney Spears, especially the things the nasty things you said about Britney Murphy. When she died. You are a bully a whole ass bully, just like I said on tik tok, just like I said on Twitter, which is now Twitter x, you are a bully and you don't deserve to be on any of these platforms. You're nasty. Keep it on Patreon and leave us the hell alone.
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I mean if you want to do it, let's do a podcast. I'll be your co-host and bashing them.
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I don't want to bash him. It's just it's just so irritating to leave TikTok to come over to an app where you thought that you would never see this individual again the first two times I was like, okay, I get it and then the whole time on my feed He's being pumped through because he's a blue check motherfucker. Yeah
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That's crazy, because I'm trying to get on the Perez-Hilton bandwagon, and I'm not even knowing of anything he did. I didn't do no research or nothing. And, you know, I'm like, damn, he's popular. But if he did the things you did, and I say he did it, and I haven't done any looking into it, I can't fuck with him. I feel you. Respect. And thank you for speaking out, because I really did not know.
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Yes, he is extremely problematic. How many times has he been banned from TikTok from harassing other creators like Charli D'Amelio, for instance, and then crying about it on Twitter? Okay, not only that, he's also done a lot of things in the past growing up and he was a blogger. Yeah, you need to look into some of the things that he actually has done and has said, and including putting nasty stains on people's mouths because he doesn't like them. It's just really bad for business.
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