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RiRi Lyt 659d
RiRi Lyt
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I owe you like yeah right I wanna I've got a mad question yeah I just smoked a spliff before yeah and it got me thinking he got me thinking that if there was a world war a night ago was with a plane right next to me where what country like what country like if you said we were where shall we go where shall we go what country would I say to go to and it got me thinking you know I'll probably go to her Just so much like tropical island you get there fucking is spears and shit best snorkels and that and just live of being a fisherman in there and fucking I'll make sure definitely had a plug out there somehow I just made up and book you are so nice it's where would where would you look like a goatee
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Have you got never seen big Roseburg I make myself a flipping house I make myself a whole villa out there in the island okay do you know I mean
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