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The only thing I got to say is, man, they done let us put pictures on here. We don't want to see y'all, wait, hold on. Wait a minute, I'm just gonna be honest with you. You go from being, when you don't got no clothes on like that and you got your ass tooted all up like that, you don't go from being, you go from being priceless to about worth about 40 dollars. Have some self-respect about you, you say, hey man, I'm gonna say this. It ain't even y'all fault. You can tell a lot about a place by how the women act. You can tell how the men are. Hey man, y'all need to start treating women with respect. Quit walking in there with your wallet in one hand and your dick in the other hand, cuz you're gonna get used, I'm just saying. Just pimping, pimping, ain't no babysitters over here, cuz you don't know already.
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