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Pan Dulce 303d
Pan Dulce
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Girl Talk 287d
Girl Talk
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Ever wondered how Disney Parks managed to hide certain areas or objects from plain sight? Enter Go Away Green and Blending Blue, two unique colors crafted by Disney Imagineers. Go Away Green is a shade designed to make backstage buildings and construction walls virtually disappear from your site. It's a blend of greenery shades and a brown slash gray slash green hue that our eyes naturally overlook. This color is used on various items, from trash cans to construction fences. On the other hand, Blending Blue was created to camouflage large buildings against the Florida sky, ensuring they seamlessly blend with their surroundings. These colors are a testament to Disney's attention to detail, ensuring that the magic remains unbroken for every visitor. So next time you're at a Disney park, try spotting these colors. Stay sharp with Till.
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Well, that was interesting. Yeah, I clicked the link and checked it out. Hey, thanks.
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I love what you said about Disney keeping the magic going, because that's so true. Because not only do they want customers coming back time and time again, but they put in all this time and energy to make the experience special. And what you just said about the camouflage colors goes to show that they go above and beyond every single time. So thank you for teaching us that. I didn't even think about that, and I was actually at Disneyland recently. And again, it's just the whole aesthetic and the way they put things together. So, really appreciate you explaining.
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