Nate Theres always something limiting you, you are so much more than your limitations. People cast limits, the physical is connected to the mental break minds limits. If you look past its literal limitlessFolgen10TeilenLink zu Post kopieren
Nate So this verse goes “on earth as it is in heaven” it means that heaven is a reflection of earth.... Think about that for a second, how else was god able to make earth😗
Nate You define yourself from within, dont let anyone inject thoughts of self doubt have self preservation for oneself and youll see how beautiful you shine from the inside out thats how you love yourself.
Nate Do not give into pleasures, on a logical standpoint celebrations are way more enjoyable when you’ve battled and attained vicory. Dont waste time indulging take time to build foundation or be weak wood
Nate Men, we are protectors, champions, strong, and confident we confide in our dense nature a real man accepts responsibilities embraces it we must not think, but become, we must provide its what we are.
Nate Those who dont care harm that do and end up broken, the majority of society is like that. those who care so much for others suffering end up more broken from the same source then turn out the same way
Nate I heard this quote once. It goes words become thoughts, thoughts become actions, and actions become your desiny... so be wary of your thoughts
Nate You can have all the money in the world and be heartless or... i like this one better, be poor but have more love than you could ever imagine