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Chizz 323d
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So I had this dream That I took a video Showing how big this chicken was at the grocery store. By the way, this is all a dream So I ended up having to pay for it because I put my hands on the cooked chicken So I'm like well might as well get some chips to go with my chicken So I take a shopping cart and I'll go shopping for some chips trying to find a chip out I found a chip I'll leave my cart in the main Section before getting into the aisle of the chip aisle And I when I went to go grab it grab my chips and come back somebody had put their shit in there I'm like, well, I'm just gonna put it to the side and then you know, I'm saying and just keep it keep it pushing As soon as I like take the stuff out of the cart and start moving this guy comes around the corner It's like that was my shit in the cart gave my cart back. I'm like Dude already paid for my chicken. This is my cart This man Fucking tasers me in the nuts, bro for a fucking cart So while I'm struggling trying to get up we fighting over a fucking cart Cuz I paid for my fucking chicken He gonna take my goddamn cart But I was so sick bro, it was the fact that he's tased me in my nuts Over a cart though and the fact I remember this Like what the fuck do that mean? Why I get tased in the nuts? some bullshit
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Yo, that's hilarious, my guy.
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