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Benefit 327d
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Pan Dulce 327d
Pan Dulce
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Girl Talk 323d
Girl Talk
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so in this interview Mila Kunis is talking about how her wedding band is from Etsy and I honestly appreciate how frivolous they are and even just I know I made a post a while back before too on how they really want their kids to work for money so they're not really gonna give them any money so definitely appreciate that relationship that they have with money and even knowing that they have a lot they still are smart with the money which is also how the rich stay rich as well so love the transparency there
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I really freakin' respect how freakin' frugal she is, like, she only took one private jet flight to get to that show, like, honestly, that's really nice of her that she bought that $90 platinum wing from Etsy.
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Now I'm gonna go on Etsy and go look for rings. I like this video.
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yeah no definitely me too not gonna lie because dang I mean it must be really good quality like I respect it
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That's actually pretty funny, not gonna lie. I know, right? Like, only has like million dollar homes, but she bought a $90 ring. No, but she definitely spends her money wisely, like, when it comes to certain things that even, like, regular people who don't have that much money spend thousands of dollars on a ring, you know?
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Mila Kunis is literally one of my favorite actresses in the whole entire world and I remember seeing this interview when it came out and honestly I have so much respect for her and I love her relationship with Ashton.
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