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Veronica 325d
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Veronica 325d
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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So I have a question. Do y'all like like when I blast people in here because if y'all do Let me know if you really want more because you know I'm a talk shit man. If you want to be defended, I'm your girl, you know And I could be a man too, but you know, I'm like, I'm your girl. I'm not transgender. I can just change my voice Oh, all right. Bye girls. Bye y'all. Bye
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sorry i was just trying some tiktok sound i want to know how it looks in this voice filtered thingy
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Um, okay, I didn't ask you that. I didn't say that, like, if anybody found me funny or anything. Um, all I gotta say, because I'm babysitting right now, all I gotta say, I had to walk away from the kids for this, all I have to say is just keep your opinions to yourself sometimes, you know what I mean? But this app, you can say anything you want. But I'm saying, I don't have to be funny, you know? Sometimes I'm not funny, you know what I mean? I don't have to.
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