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All right, this is part part three so What was that they said? Oh, yeah, the boss said we're gonna get it. We're gonna get you your free happy meal. So Boston then went back there. I was waiting It was about Maybe 10 minutes. Then I was wondering like where's my food? so I was thinking to go back there And then I was like, oh, yeah, I need to bring my bazooka just in case so I run that I went back there and Then I saw them making up a big ice cream launcher So I ran out And I got in my car and I drove to the back of the McDonald's so when they the boss came and Opened the door to give me my food, which he didn't even have the food. He just had a big old ice cream launcher so he didn't see me right and then he started looking for me and I snuck up from the back since I drove to the back and I sliced his neck off with my knife and I grabbed my bazooka and Blew the place up so now I am on McFlurry and Now I'm just back home playing Fortnite and that's the end of my story
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