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Robyne Hughes 498d
Robyne Hughes
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Powered INFJ Being
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Hey guys, your girl is here. I want to know why do we deal with disrespect for so long? Like, why do we deal with others disrespecting us? Why don't we pick-
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That is a very good question. And I don't even know how to answer that properly. Because I feel like in my lifetime I've dealt with a lot of disrespect. And I think it's because I don't like confrontation. I think that's why I've put up with some bullshit.
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I would have to say those that have done it, they normalize it to being respected. So just like the non-existent become existent, the disrespected become respected because they've been through it so much and they feel like that's the right way to be and that's the right way to be respected.
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