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Jim Snuka 520d
Jim Snuka
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Jim Snuka 520d
Jim Snuka
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Hey, what's up guys? I hope everyone's being safe out there. This is just a quick video clip of me getting robbed Thought I'd share it with you I have always Worn my headphones on both ears Now on I'm never doing that again Especially ladies out there You'll get targeted if they somebody sees you completely oblivious to what's going on listen into your music going for a walk Here I am my phone snatched right out of my hands. Just like that in broad daylight and By the time you have any any chance to react like that ninja is already gone He's gone, so just be safe out there watch your back. You know every 90 90 seconds take a glance behind you Headphone on one ear wear a good pair of shoes because you get profiled out there they see that like you're not wearing adequate footwear to run after someone or run away and They know you're not you have no idea that they're right behind you, so just say be careful out there ladies And you know those are some really good tips especially if you're living in the ghetto This happened in broad daylight. You can see there's no way I do the guys got no he's got like a ski mask on And the time I even that was just enough time for him to get away and around the corner and by the time I came Around the corner. He was already like a hundred yards away, so be safe out there be careful watch your back
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