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Water the fuck you don't need chemicals do you think people back in the old days and Gunsmoke these have fucking chemicals they face is just as clean as ours with the chemicals or not use fucking water in a rare like a normal person
Back in the day they didn't take care of their teeth so when they didn't take care of their teeth you know what they would do when you have it amputated leg they'll give you what Pegleg right so yeah they have wooden tea
I use a facial cleansing wash from Native. It doesn't have parabens or synthetic bullshit chemicals. And then I use a circular brush and yeah, I scrub it up, dub.
Are usually get a bowl of water but a dollop of facial cleanser in there and just vigorously move my face left to right like a little Playing I just use my hands
My great soul Aveeno because who doesn't love Aveeno like I love Aveeno this is why my face is clear who does who who uses brushes to clean your face like be fucked for it
I want to use a facial brush, but I feel like that I would have to replace every month. So I do use a face wash glove. love. I've tried to use wash cloths before but for some reason they don't get my face as clean as I want.
And it definitely depends on the day and how much of a hurry I am. If I'm in a hurry, I use cotton pads and a mistyler, mistyler water. If I'm doing my skincare, I do like a facial brush. Definitely no hands though