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Datz Grimey 307d
Datz Grimey
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Consciousness 306d
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Don Of Stereo 306d
Don Of Stereo
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Coldhardtruth 306d
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This shit is just nasty, this is just absolutely nasty, now imagine going into the toilet with your daughter and seeing this, just imagine that or imagine your daughter on her own walking in there and seeing this or even worse imagine your wife walking in there and seeing this or any female member of your family walking in and seeing this and the only reason they are allowed to see this is because other women who don't respect womanhood, don't respect human nature, don't respect God, have supported these men to have women's rights to invade and violate women's spaces. So ladies, have you got any opinions on these women because I like to know what other women think about women that support men having women's rights because I support women having women's rights and women's spaces, I don't support men stealing them but some women would call me a bigot for saying such a thing, what a crazy world.
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And so it begins. Nah, fuck them. These women fucking protested for this shit. Let them deal with it. They got this man in their toilet because they asked for it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's all I've got to say for this shit.
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You already know, O.W.O. These hoes brought it on they self. One minute it's they need a bathroom, then they said we want to use your bathroom. Nah, y'all can't be in our bathroom. This is why feelings don't mean shit. Sorry ladies, but y'all ain't nothing but big kids. Y'all go off feelings, y'all don't go off logic. Let men do what they do. And you be true to your man, and you won't have problems like in this video. Nasty, disgusting bitch.
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Wait, hold it up. Oh, are you kidding me? Like, are you fucking kidding me? Like... Who allows this? This is just an embarrassment. It's disgusting.
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