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Is it me or when you ever you got to use the bathroom at the middle of night? You just like got a walk past the hallway and it'd be the scariest shit ever Like I was going to the bathroom and like I had a go-go So like I was walking Like I swear to God. I heard something run up the steps like I'm not even joking So it was like this Yeah, it was like, I mean like when I came out the back, I had to use my phone, I was like, cause I was going to make my mom up. I was going to make my mom up. So like, I didn't want to wake her up cause like, yeah, she would take my phone and all that. So, I had to use my phone. This was scary, like, I'm scared of the dark. Like, I'm scared of what's in the dark. That looked really like a stator from a movie.
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