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Which billionaire would sit up there and pay a billion dollars to have dinner with Elon Musk? And if nobody would pay a billion dollars to have dinner with him, why would somebody give up a billion dollars to have dinner with him? that doesn't make any sense.
This ain't even a question for me. What advice, what Elon must give me, except that he's the richest man in the world? Like... Give me that billion, bro. Like, that's... Do you know how much you can do with a billion dollars? I'm invested in most of that shit.
Why do you think he's about to teach you that for free? And how do you think that he's supposed to teach you how to make a billion dollars in one dinner? Do you think it's that easy?
And if the ultimate purpose of the dinner is for him to teach you how to make a billion pounds, so you can have a billion pounds, Why don't you just take the billion pounds?
So you respect the fact that I refuse the billion in the first place so that's why he'd want to teach me and then obviously when I make my first billion making my second and third billion et cetera would be easier and easier
Yeah, I heard somebody say dinner with Elon because he'll teach you how to make billions. He actually went on an interview saying he can't really, he can't really teach you. Like, anyways, yeah, one billion. I mean I love Elon, but...
Not only that that the person said Elon he'll make you you know teach you how to make billions when you already have billions like like, the fuck? You could invest and, you know, make business, do something with that money.