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Amber Rene 480d
Amber Rene
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Ruby Harris
Ruby Harris 480d
Ruby Harris
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Maverick Estes
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Maggnessss 472d
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oh oh oooh oh oooh oh oooh oh oooh oh oh oh you know you love me but I don't care you shot whenever and I'll be there you are my love you are my heart And I will never ever ever be a part of your item Gawker plane We just went, what are you saying bro? There's another one right in my eyes For the first love, broke my heart for the first time And I was like baby, baby, baby Oh, like baby, baby, baby Oh, like baby, baby, baby, oh Thought you'd always be mine Oh, like baby, baby, baby, oh Like baby, baby, baby, oh Baby, baby, baby, oh Thought you'd always be mine Oh, for you, I would've done whatever I just can't believe we're in together Wanna pay a cool cause I'm losing you I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any rate And I just can't stand you fix me And you shake me till you wake me from this bad dream I'm going down, down, down, down And I just can't believe my first love would be around Baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, baby, baby, no! Baby, baby, baby, oh Don't you always be mine, mine
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I love the first part. I don't think I need to hear anything else. It was nice. Yeah.
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Yeah, it was like totally nice. Totally.
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Dude you're pretty is like five years old you shouldn't even be on this app I really literally like a solid zero
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you um you hurt my feelings that really hurt me
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And why are you so loud? Like calm down. Come down.
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That shit was so ass please never singing bro honestly give up on life and kill yourself this morning bro that was so bad
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These I could sing you asshole.
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Yeah. What's I like?
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