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Okay, I gotta get the shelf in my chest. Okay. Let's just do that Xander, right? What the fuck? No. Let's just do a name Xander. He goes to my high school. Well, he used to. He dropped out now, pretty short. Because he stopped coming up. He stopped showing up at the Muslim school. So, come find out. One, he dated a 14-year-old in a 10-year-old. I'm sorry. Possibly, two 14-year-olds in a 10-year-old, not sure over the internet. Apparently, he brought one of them over to his birthday party, Which was back in December. Mind you this ***** is a whole ass 19 year old In high school he got held back He actively watches CP About under about characters from fucking enemies and buried literally aged down to look like fucking toddlers and He's he's fucking touchy shit. He's nasty Like my ex and him used to be best friends and shit like I knew this ***** for three years, bro That ***** is weird Weird as fuck hell no that they need to like be locked up because if I'm being honest He He looked like Miss Heper guy who you would think would be a pedophile Like my he 19, but he looked like a whole 31 year old with a who is in debt already Do not like that ***** will never like that ***** and honestly I hope he drops that
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