Ahmad And I don’t like a bully people who doesn’t ever doesn’t like a bully people. Please come to me because it’s fucking hurt people ceiling, and I have a lotta hard time seeing him to please stop guy beiFolgen00TeilenLink zu Post kopieren
Ahmad Comment below which of which kind of work you do I just say what I want to see what everybody’s kind of work I’m supposed to know what kind of work are you work?
Ahmad I like literally called the cops on him. You would like fuck and get the fuck out of my apartment might like the Dad, the girl or the guy who ever lived with me I’d like literally called the homeless
Ahmad I really think so. My dog is the best dog. I love him so much because he saved my life Luna. I love you so much.
Ahmad You guys what do you think about my dog she is she is a boy and her name is Luna so give me a guy go get those guys how old are her and I would like to let you know why you’re correct or not she’s so