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Alyssa Kunz 424d
Alyssa Kunz
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Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz 424d
Alyssa Kunz
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Arianna Luft
Arianna Luft
Alyssa Kunz
For any mamas who went from one baby to two babies especially ones that went from one baby to two babies under two what are some things that y'all did to help manage the stress and anxiety that comes with adding another member to the family Because I will be there not too soon but by the end of the year and I want to be as ready as I possibly can
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So I have two under two for 15 months apart and honestly like I try to prepare myself the best that I could before my daughter came but I just
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That just didn't seem to work for me and like I got advice from others but like I really think what will help you. The advice that I can give you is that you are going to have to wait until...
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Wait until your baby comes and then kind of just like go from there. Like, I honestly, like, it took me a while to get a routine down because obviously a a baby and a toddler have different schedules.
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It took me about a month to get used to the swing of things without being like too confuzzled or like overwhelmed and of course like you're gonna have your bad days and your good days.
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Being a routine down for you and your kids is a must. Like every mom and their kids are going to have a different routine than anybody else. So finding your own is a lot better.
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Thank you so much for sharing your advice. I really appreciate it and I will definitely keep that in mind that waiting until our baby comes is going to be the best and being able to figure out our are scheduling and just not stressing just yet.
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This really did help me to kind of ease my mind a little bit because even though I'm still super early. All I can think about is how am I going to do this?
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Oh, I completely understand when I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter and then we still had our one-year-old and I'm all like, oh no, What are we gonna do? Like how am I gonna manage this and do this all by myself when you're at work.
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