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The new Chris Rock special is out. Will Smith had a response. Ask Chris to let it go already. It's been a year. Oh man, what do we do? So much to break down. Look, what are your thoughts? What are your thoughts in general? That's my first question. Second question is this. If somebody hit you on live television on one of the most viewed programs in the United States, United States. Would you ever let it go? Or would you take that shit to your grave? Would you make that person feel bad about it? Like it could be 70 years from now. And Chris Rock and Will Smith can be like waiting in line for a smoothie. And Chris Rock will be like, yo, remember that time? You beat the shit out of me. Because the wife who was in love with a dead rapper looked at you weird after you laughed. Yeah, I'm gonna get a strawberry banana. Large. extra protein and Wilson has just got to buy it you know what I mean like he's You just gotta do it.
Um, what? Will Smith smack the fuck on a Chris Rock, a stand-up comedian for a fucking joke and now he's gonna say get over it? Okay, yeah, whatever, no. Will Smith's in the wrong and I gotta go take his shit that's probably gonna spread the fuck under my ass so I'm not gonna
You know, I didn't see it, so I don't even know what was said. But I mean, comedians are gonna put things in their comedy routines, so I mean, I don't think anyone should be surprised, I guess, you know?
And honestly, the whole thing confused me. Like the slap thing and the- and the- It all confused me when it happened. I was very confused and I try to see everyone's point, but I'm still confused.
Yeah, I think most of the time I was just like is this a bit I would like thought that for like 10 months for sure But then like they're like no, it's like real. I'm just like then why, then that's all you want to hear from Chris Rock.