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Do you want to one for me Tell me a mad story Maybe I'm just so she is everybody notice me the rolling on a bean salad gave me a gun on my knees I didn't say believe in Jesus language is your name please add me Siri can you show me your love you say you gotta tell me see you like some music Yeah yeah How will be lovers in French How are you been Used to tell me that she is the one for me how to Spencer life Siri for me I am a fan in Spanish city name in the Smurfs and then into love you but you never show me you think I'm good Hey Siri what is 750 bonuses be I understand I understood where a convertible baby it is sitting good do you need me to pick your phone up Remind her a time doing telling me the love you save up the money ain't loyal to you lie to me you say that you will run for me How well do you love is in French
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