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Bae Cruz 363d
Bae Cruz
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D-one-hater 363d
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Even though that filter is covering your eyes, you look pretty, still.
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I don't know what the fuck you did, I'm a shitty bitch, I fuck a bad bitch, I don't know what the hell, I fuck your nose, I fuck your lips, I fuck everything, like, I'ma fuck your head, I do this shit, fuck your fingers, I'ma fuck your pussy, shit, my dick, I always fuck your pussy, shit, the back of your skin, I'll fuck your hair, I don't like that fucking color, fuck your shirt, fuck your back, I'll fuck everything, I hope you go outside and trip and fall, I hope you get hit by a tree branch and break your knuckles, I hope you trip on a curb, and fuck up your toes, stub that bitch hard as fuck, I hope your boobs got no cold sides, a little warm and shit, like, come out of here, bro. I'm not gonna do this hate shit for real. I hope you go outside and trip on a curb and break your knuckles, I hope your boobs got no cold sides, a little warm and shit, like, come out of here, bro.
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