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Hello, my name is EA Jones. I'm with the New Independent Phenomenal Baptist Movement. Today's question is, is the LGBTQ a normal sin or a normal sinful lifestyle? Let's see. In Romans chapter 5 verses 12 it says, Wherefore, has one man sin entered into the world and death by sin? And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Now if we go to Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 20, that says, for there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sineth not. Now if we go to chapter 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verses 13, that says, I'm going to cut it in half a little bit, there have no temptation taken you, but that is common to man. So basically what this is all saying is, every temptation that you have, those are normal things. You know, we're born in sin and we are in this corruptible body that is prone to sin because of the sinful nature and the flesh. You know, everyone lies or has temptations and desires that lead you to do bad things. Now I don't know about you, but in my years on this earth, I've never looked upon another man and got aroused. And that's true for most people on this earth. Now in 2013, only 3% of the population was LGBTQ. Now it's 7. Now this is not a normal thing. It's only going up because it's pushed, but this is not a normal thing. And since, you know, the beginning of time, most people were not like this. If we go to Romans chapter 1 verses 26, it says, for this cause God gave them up to vile affections, for even though women did change in natural use into what is against nature, now it's not talking about nature like in the grass and animals, it's against their sin nature. So it's not normal. That's not a normal thing to do for most people.
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Well, when we come to this world, we are born into a sin nature, which is why Jesus Christ calls us to be born again. And so we could be a cheater, a thief, a liar, a gambler, you know, homosexuality is just one of the many sins that one can fall into until we come into Christ.
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Man I'm not religious so my opinion is not going to matter but I don't I don't think homosexuality is a sin lol
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Are used to be religious but I'm not anymore I realized that I am not seen as human I am not seen as somebody who deserves the same rights as you
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Because I experienced over a different way than you and because I love people differently than you my actions are seen as a sin I just don't understand religion
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I'm not religious but I'm not going to bash other religions I know you're trying to spread the gospel and turn people towards God but I've seen so many gay people turn toward Satan or witchcraft or other ideologies like that
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It's sad seeing my fellow gay people turn towards Satan because they don't feel excepted by other people I hope someday people will realize love is not sinful
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If you're just gay and not practising it it's not is it it's not a sin but at the moment you're practising that's a sin
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LGBTQ is a sin. As a Christian, we don't support sin, but we do support the people. Like, we do respect them. But the sin is just not. And homosexuality is a sin. And it's sad that people from that community think that God hates them, but he doesn't. and he hates the sin, not the people.
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Well, no, I have to disagree because the term you use that God hates the sinner and no, God hates the sin but he loves the sinner, that's a term from Gandhi. That's not a quote in the Bible. You know, there's plenty, probably 30 verses in the Bible that specifically says that God hates people, not just the things they do, but he hates people, specifically homosexuals.
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God to say hate gay people is sin homosexual is a sin
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Number one the Bible says that God hates all workers of iniquity and he hates the saw the love is via that loves violence also Jeremiah 630 it says that men are called reprobate silver because they have been rejected by God if you read Romans one without your opinion is clear that sodomites a homosexual hate God and then psalms 139 David specifically said he has a perfect hatred for people that hate god
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Like I said before, people that claim to believe the Bible, you need to get your quotes from the Bible and not from Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi. He's the person that told you that you should hate sin and love the sinner. The Bible says no such foolish thing. God hates people. Think about it. Jesus will send people to hell. Do you think Jesus loves the people he's sending to help?
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You can find the answers in Romans 58 and John 316 God does not hate people he hates the sin homosexually again it's a sin and you are just using the Lords name to justify your hatred
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He created us why would he hate his own creation it makes no sense if you think about it and you can't be putting words in his mouth like you know who he loves and who he doesn't who are you to tell someone who God loves and doesn't
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You can find another answer in lamentations 322 through 23 and again God does a hate people you are no one to tell who God loves equal God doesn't like And he just hates the sin again
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I'm number one I'm not making anything up these verses are in the Bible you could fax like me if you think I'm lying number to John 316 in Romans 58 are past tense God did love everybody in creation everybody created he loved but then it gets to a point where he will love them no more which is in Isaiah oh Isaiah I will love them no more so you could get to a point where God hates you but he loved you past tense
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Again you're saying "from Gandhi enough in the Bible I love the center and a person is no where in the Bible in the two verses you brought up we're past tense God loves his creation past tense because in second Chronicles 19 to it says shit is now hope ungodly I love them that heat the lawyer therefore is wrap up on the phone before the lord so if you love people that hate god God is gonna pour out his wrath are you
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To back up my point that God loved past tense his creation at a point in time but then they can get to a point where he doesn't love them anymore and Jose at 9:15 and says all the wickedness is Gilgal for their I hated them for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine else I will love them no more so he doesn't love them anymore based on what they do
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Hate to say I have to come always because you can love a person unconditionally and years can go by and you can still love that person and not feel any hatred towards that person because you love them and you will do anything for them so same thing with God he loves us we are his creation why would he hate us why
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He says in the bible that being gay, liking the same gender is a sin. Literally what it says, I'm not even joking, like word for word, it's like, it's a guy, man, it's a guy, whatever, whatever, fuck up, whatever. It's like, whatever, it is a sin, it's like, I'm sorry, I'm not even gonna say it. They have to come on out. XD
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