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Michael Douaihy
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Bartholamew dinglebarf Johnson Junior
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All right, I checked me ready Imagine you're just walking late at night You're just walking through an alleyway to get home because it's the shortcut All right, and you see this man he offers you this coin and he's like if you flip this coin and It lands on heads you will walk away with 50 billion dollars But if it lands on tails, you will die right there Instantly, okay, are you going to flip the coin? Will you take the risk?
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Hell yeah, I'm flipping that coin. My life ain't even worth living anyway. I might as well. I mean think about it. I either lose nothing because I already got nothing to lose or I make fifty billion dollars. So yeah, I'm flipping the hell out of that shit. I'll just fight the homeless man if I lose.
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I'm flipping it cuz what what is some home with a man in the alley gonna do to me if it's not if the damn it if the coin lands on tails I'm taking that 50 billion dollars home with me
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