Drago Infidelity should be illegal because the culprit does not give a shit about the repercussionsAGREEDISAGREE VSFolgen19TeilenLink zu Post kopieren
Drago This man has killed over 20 million Africans and nobody knows, or nobody talks about him. I wonder why?
Drago Have you ever had a friend who was so obsessed with you but will never confess how she/he feels?
Drago Tell me something that you have discovered recently that you have been searching for months or years?
Drago So 2023 is around the corner how was the year for you good or bad? Have you accomplished anything? Tell us your experiences
Drago This is for everybody on Stereo don’t be an asshole and hurt people kindness doesn’t cost a penny if you have a disagreement just talk about it
Drago Have you met someone special on stereo if so? leave an annoumous msg to express how you feel about him/her
Drago Once again another pointless update from Stereo come on you need to satisfy the customers we want DARK MODE everybody boycott let’s go
Drago I’m gonna keep it real and please don’t be offended Batman has to be the biggest P*ssy in the comic world industry prove me wrong
Drago If you had the opportunity to go back in time to assassinate Adolf Hitler when he’s a baby would you do it?