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Sancho S 438d
Sancho S
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Sancho S
Sancho S
Sancho S
Sancho S
Sancho S
Sancho S
Alí 438d
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What's up everybody? So I got a question. What are your biggest pet peeves or deal breakers when it comes to a connection? Friendship, romantic, family. What is something that you're like, Damn, we can't get back from this. Drop your answers down below.
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Delusional people of course in nine except obviously I've tried to text trunks Azhar has I have I don't know how to pronounce Sahan okay
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I re-read Sancho Sancho. I... what? Come again with that last part.
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I want to say a second said I don't know how to print I don't know how to pronounce it I don't know how to pronounce the name of this is a hard as I can't
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Oh, the other person that commented on this post. Oh, okay, okay. You're good, you're good, you're good. I was just really lost for a moment. Yeah, I agree with them too. That's a baseline, right? And then there's more from there, but yeah, That's minimum requirements.
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It's just okay it's just a thing you're asking is very expensive because there's a lot of no no if they stink know if they have yellow teeth know if they have dog shit and I'm just kidding no I mean if you're talking about like really really I mean if something about the personality I would say extreme selfishness is I'm not okay was just now yeah
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Also if you know it's not a minimum requirement but like this is a if you dig a little deeper right I would personally prefer to talk to people who have inner beliefs and principles that are solid you know and it's easier to connect with people like that as well yes
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Yeah, yeah, yeah, there are a lot of noses are they're not right because every person's different and it's only like what would you tolerate and what can you absolutely not tolerate and the inner beliefs and that inner foundation and sense of self is I agree that's important because that's a person that understands, understands their values and who they are.
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Values are a big thing for me. But more than values, it's are you living your values? I've seen plenty of people talk a great game, but they're not living it? Nah. Yeah, so I feel like it just absolutely takes time before a person's true character unfolds.
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Yep I agree knowledge is power but without action is footless you know and it's that you know it's the same thing as Valleyside all of his values principles believes are some sort of data some sort of information and for most people it's not integrated and as you said integration take some time yeah that's it
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Time is important but why time is important because of effort you know I am time can we just talk and just go with it ago and if you're not putting any effort it it's meaningless so that after this important so that's why you see a lot of people are having a huge difficulty was there are you not in your life because there are there are there is no effort to fix that
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No and it's really sad instead of teaching our kids to some friends in America for example or even in UK now teach in case this walk bullshit they could literally teach kids to be over to being out to teach them about a little bit about psychology and how to deal with yourself it's it's really sad like what's happening right now hopefully we are going to change this I'm in Hollywell
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A person who isn't willing to take accountability and check their own ego. If everything is always the world's fault, another person's fault, and they're never willing to just look in the mirror and do what they can to change and change circumstances, Now, next.
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