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Kouda Rose 346d
Kouda Rose
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Pp 344d
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Mitchell Osbon
Chris 348d
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Jewel 346d
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Big Poppa 346d
Big Poppa
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Danny 346d
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Jasiahs daddy 345d
Jasiahs daddy
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What this post is hinting at is that exposing children to violent video games makes them repeat this behavior in real life. Parents will do literally anything but admit that their kid might be a little fucking stupid. Because if your child genuinely cannot understand the difference between real life and a video game, that is on you as a parent. That is not on the kid. If they start displaying that behavior as a parent, it's your job to take action and discipline your child. not trying to disappoint the people who made the fucking video game.
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I don't agree with the parents being at fault for the child not understanding the difference between reality and fiction. You know, a lot of other shit can go into play like mental health and disabilities and all this other shit. But no, it's not the parents fault. But... You know... It's it's just not
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Let me just fucking explain why your stupid ass and saying all of this stupid ass shit just does not make any sense number fucking Uno the most powerful person in their whole entire life as a parent hundred percent it can always be the parent I can always be the parent I can meet that I can me some other times but some most or most of the time people or somethings going to be the parent parenting the child OK stupid ass so
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Like you fucking retard have you ever wondered why when fucking murders commit a fucking crime? We don't lock the parents up. We don't lock the fucking parents up We lock the person that committed the fucking crime. What are we supposed to punish the criminals parents? Are you fucking stupid? That's why your fucking reason doesn't fucking make sense. All right No, we're not gonna fucking blame the parents for what a fucking person decides to do Okay, because at the end of the day you can be a fucking great parent, but then you're
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Like I was saying, you could be a fucking great parent, but if you're a fucking child's just a psychopath, if like, literally they're just born like that, then it's not your fucking fault. fall out you can literally be a fucking great parent and still have like not a say to whatever the fuck your kid ends up being into or wanting to do with their fucking life.
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See, I grew up playing shooting games from like the age of five. I got my first Call of Duty, which was Black Ops. Shit was fire. I didn't end up no school shooter. I'm a pretty good kid. I may do stupid ass shit here and there, but nothing like where I'll go up into a school and shoot that bitch up just cause I learned it from fucking Call of Duty or Rainbow, CC or some shit. Nah, I mean, I don't know. I think they shouldn't be banned but everybody has it on the page.
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Just remember, violence isn't the answer. It's the question. And the answer is yes.
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This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, bro.
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Why ban it now? This whole fucking generation's fucked up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like me?
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That'll never happen. Just know this is 2023 and not 2000s. Fuck outta here.
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