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okay guys here's a third update on the thing with my boy best friend and how it's pretty obvious that he likes me and I kind of like him back and I people would fear like why don't you just go for it um the reason why I have not been going for it is because I really do think he's just a fucking pimp because like he might like me but only like a little bit you know but like the thing is he'll be flirting with me and then he'll ghost me for like a week and then he'll come back and then he'll ghost me. It's weird. I don't know. It's not what basic white boys do because he's a basic white boy. Anyways, frickin' another day me and him were talking about childhood stories, right? And I said I remember during COVID because like his family came over to my house a lot during COVID. It was weird. And I said I remember once I'm your little brother just said I had big millions and he told him that he couldn't say that to girls and I'm like yeah and he and his little brother just ran away like a little clown and I was like oh my god remember that story was so funny and he's over like well you do have big melons and I'm like wait what and then now he's ghosting me again and I don't know what to do like what the fuck do I do it's kind of funny but like I already had so many people in here I mean like I should like just fucking go for it but I don't think they understand like the fact that he would be flirting with me but then he'll ghost me for like a week and then he'll come back flirting with me. you know it's it's weird
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