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Has anyone else grown up in a household where the house was just never ever clean? In fact, it was like borderline, like, hoarder episode kind of looking conditions. Because ever since I was a small child, my house has always looked like that. And obviously growing up, I thought it was kind of normal. Not really, because when I'd go over to other people's houses, obviously it wouldn't look anything like my own. But yeah, I just, my mother would never really clean or cook, and my dad was always working and stuff. And even today, I'm literally an adult now and living with my mom and stuff. My house still looks like shit. And it's really stressful because I feel like I have to clean it up for them and you know, because they won't. And ugh, I hate it. I can never have people over. I can never do any of that stuff. It's always like there's something for me to do but they won't do it. It's just ugh, you can't wait for me in this house. But um, yeah. Anyone else grow up in like a warehouse? Ugh. And if so, can you relate to the stress? It is terrible.
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